"Emissary" Project


The Next Project from BOCA PRODUCTIONS - "Emissary"

"Emissary" Synopsis:

by Gary L. Myers
A successful single writer meets a beautiful woman, a widow who is mostly confined to a wheelchair, and who has a 9 year-old son with vision problems, and a slight learning disability.   This was due to the son being born very prematurely.
The writer, Rick Barkley, falls in love with the woman, Nancy Trevante, and the 9 year-old, Eric Trevante, is the son Rick never had.   Rick doesn't want to admit it, but part of his love for both of them is due to feeling sorry for all of the hardships both have had to endure.   Nancy is a devoted mother and artist, who has sacrificed for her son through most of his life, especially after the tragic death of Eric's father.
Eric is a very loving son, mature beyond his years, cheerful against all odds, and always attending to the needs of his crippled mother.
During a routine physical, Rick is given a diagnosis of a terminal heart condition, that according to his doctor, will kill him within a year.
Rather than tell Nancy or Eric, instead, Rick asks Nancy to be his wife.   As a wedding gift, Rick takes both Nancy and Eric on an extended cross-country trip, buying a stretch-limo to take the trip in style.
The trip begins in early summer, and ends in late fall...a wondrous journey of love, laughter, discovery and potential tragedy, until Rick discovers that just maybe everything does happen for a reason, and God is watching out for them, through the "Emissary." 





Copyright Gary L. Myers 2004

All Rights Reserved


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