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Check-out the latest about "BOCA," the exciting new teen action/adventure now seeking additional financing:

Just a quick note to announce that the "BOCA" film project has received a "letter of intent," and investment commitment for 20% of the "below-the-line" budget from two producers and company officials at an out-of-state production and studio facility.

While this amount represents just a fraction of the total budget for the film, hopefully it will further the process of receiving additional financing.


Below are two emails from Marjorie Black, mother of "Alex Black," the teen actor from "Huff," "13 Going on 30," etc., regarding his interest in the film project "BOCA." The third email is from John Zambetti of the "Malibooz," who is being considered for the position as music supervisor/composer of "BOCA." The Malibooz' websites are: http://www.indiespace.com/malibooz/ and http://malibooz.com/

But most of all, check out this site to sample their album "BEACH ACCESS": http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/malibooz

Alex Black's official website is: www.alexblack.net, and his most recent headshot is: www.alexblack.net/ouverture.php?num=2

Below John Zambetti's email, is additional information about the "BOCA" film project.
Please contact BOCA PRODUCTIONS at: BOCAProductions@yahoo.com if you would like to participate in this new film.

Dear Gary,

I just received your forwarded letter regarding the possibility of Tony Black being attached to your film, "Boca". He is focusing on school at present, and is not available.

However, we were quite impressed with your script, and would like you to consider Tony's brother, Alex Black who will be 16 years old and is 5' 9". He just guest-starred on "CSI-Miami", and is a recurring character on two running shows: SHOWTIME's "Huff" and NICKELODEON's "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide". He was Jennifer Garner's love interest at the age of 13 in, "13 GOING ON 30", and has numerous other feature film credits (BUBBLE BOY, DESERT SAINTS, etc.). Here is a photo from a website that captured a piece of film from Alex's "CSI-Miami" episode which aired October 25, 2004:

Let me know your thoughts on Alex. www.alexblack.net


Dear Gary,

Alex Black just finished reading the third draft of "BOCA", and loves it! It has the beauty of self-sacrifice, courage and true love, with the exquisite setting of south Florida, and the added attraction of classic cars. Alex spent several years in Florida, and still has friends there. So the location appeals to him as well. You are to be congratulated in writing such a beautiful, moving script.

We are contacting Alex's management, who should be in touch with you soon. You are correct in your assumption that Alex is "grown up" now. He generally plays the popular hunk, that all the girls swoon over. So your film project (and the role of Devon Trent) appears to fit Alex extraordinarily well.

You asked how I am affiliated with Alex and Tony. I am their mother. Alex's management will be notified of our extreme interest in your project.

Marjorie Black


Hi Gary,
I just got back in town and I read the script. I really enjoyed it! I'm a certified car-nut as well and I was pleasantly surprised by the detailed descriptions and wide array of great musclecars. It's a great story and I really got involved in it while I was reading it. It has a great flow and reallly pulls you along. Congratulations!
Naturally, I saw some places for our tunes. Besides the songs you already like, check out "Summer Wind" and "Caught A Wave" from the LIVING WATER CD and "The Sun Don't Have to Shine" from the MALIBOOZ RULE! CD. I also had a solo album out on Polygram as The Johnny Z Band called BRING BACK THE NIGHT. This was not surf music and more in the Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty vein. I'll give you a copy of that as well. There are a couple of songs that I think you would enjoy. Specifically, "Bring Back The Night", I Can't Go Back" and "The Deepest Blue".
I've got to roll now, but I wanted to get back to you after reading your script. Happy New Year and here's to a great 2005!

stay stoked,
John Z


I welcome you to review a new film project "BOCA," a spiritual and sometimes dark teen action/adventure. It is a poignant coming-of-age love story set in 1972, revolving around two teens who witness a murder, and must flee for their lives. Below, is another email for "BOCA" which contains both a brief synopsis, and a logline for the film.

If you haven't already, I invite you to visit the BOCA PRODUCTIONS website:


There have been a number of changes, updates, and new information.

Though interest among industry professionals continues to grow, "BOCA" has yet to receive funding.

I would welcome your feedback, suggestions, and referrals to others in the film industry, who may be able to help with the "BOCA" film project.

Anyone who is instrumental in finding and securing financing for "BOCA" as an independent film, WILL receive an ownership percentage of the film. Anyone who is able to sell the screenplay to a major studio or production company, for an acceptable amount, WILL receive a percentage thereof.

I have been told by a number of industry sources, that once a major star, or (stars) have committed to "BOCA," financing would be assured. However, so far, many of the stars who have shown interest, require financing to be in place before making a commitment. Besides those already listed in the "What's New" page of the website, there are others who recently have shown great interest in "BOCA," and participating in it.

"BOCA" has been a work of love and dedication for me, and judging from those who have read the screenplay, (particularly the third draft) it is a film that would touch the hearts of many.

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read the screenplay. I can send it to you conveniently by email via Final Draft (.fdr) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) formats. If you would prefer, I can also snail-mail a hard copy.

Please, if after reviewing the website, you feel this is an idea that is both commercially and creatively viable, I ask you to follow-up, either directly, or by a referral to another industry professional who is in a position to help make "BOCA" a reality.

Formerly, my background in the industry was as a TV production accountant for companies such as Aaron Spelling Productions and Fraser-Simmons Productions, ("The Richard Simmons Show").

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Gary L. Myers
Writer/Executive Producer
Website: http://bocaproductions.scriptmania.com

Please check-out our website regarding a new teen action/adventure love story that is now seeking agency representation, financing, and distribution:

Click on,
or type in: http://bocaproductions.scriptmania.com to your browser (there are seven pages at the website)

Actors/actresses who have expressed interest in playing various roles in "BOCA," are former 80's teen pop stars Debbie Gibson, and "Tiffany." Also, Sybil Danning, Virginia Hey of "Farscape," and Jon Provost, who played "Timmy" in the old TV series, "Lassie."

Those reviewing the screenplay and project include teen pop star Aaron Carter, 16, and Zachary Browne, 18, who played the lead role "Marty" in "Shiloh 2."

Please review the website, and let me know if I can send you a copy of the screenplay, either via e-mail, or a hard copy. The logline and synopsis for "BOCA" are highlighted below.

Thank You,
Gary L. Myers
Writer/Executive Producer
E-mail: bocaproductions@yahoo.com

Website: http://bocaproductions.scriptmania.com


"BOCA is an action/adventure love story, where two teens are thrust into violent circumstances beyond their control, and learn the true meaning of love and self-sacrifice."


Two lovers meet in a cataclysmic event that will forever alter the course of their lives, and inextricably link them for all eternity. This is BOCA, a south Florida beach town in the turbulent early seventies, where two teenagers meet and fall in love. Devon is a handsome high school senior and track star; an aspiring musician with a passion for high performance cars, surfing, and a pretty runaway, Tracy, whom he has just met on a fateful night in the Spring of `72. Tracy, a beautiful and sensitive flower child, running away from her mother and abusive stepfather in San Francisco, witnesses a murder by drug dealers, and only Devon can save her...for now. Together, they embark on this high-speed, action-packed adventure, where they both learn the true meaning of love and self-sacrifice.

Here is a recent letter to a financial and production contact:

Dear Gino: It was good speaking with you on the phone the other day. A lot has transpired with "BOCA" since last talking with you. Below are two of the websites for a child actor, Zachary Browne, who turned 19 years-old this month. He had quite a lengthy resume' at the time he did his last film "Shiloh 2," at the age of 12. Zachary is quite a good actor, and is very much the physical type that I had in mind for the lead character in "BOCA," Devon Trent.

I spoke with Zachary today, Saturday, and he agreed that he would like to meet with you regarding "BOCA," depending on your availability. I was hoping we could all meet, including a prospective director, Mr. James Quattrochi, sometime in the very near future? After reading the screenplay, Zachary told me that he would definitely be interested in playing Devon in "BOCA," but doesn't want to commit until financing is in place.

Jon Provost, the former "Timmy," on the old "Lassie" TV series, has also expressed interest in playing the part of "Lieutenant Wilcox" in "BOCA" His website is:

I have met with both Mr. Provost, and his wife Laurie, personally, and they are both VERY interested in "BOCA."

Both actresses, Sybil Danning, www.sybildanning.net and Virginia Hey, of "Farscape," www.virginiahey.com , have expressed STRONG interest in playing the part of teacher "Doc Larrabie," in "BOCA." Ms. Danning has also said she would like to participate as a producer on the film. She liked the screenplay so much that she called it "Shakespearian," and said it was so touching, that it left tears in her eyes. Ms. Danning offered to be a reference for "BOCA."

Mr. James Quattrochi, director, actor, writer, producer, I met some time ago, and he was nice enough to do a line-by-line read-through of the first draft of "BOCA." I then wrote the second draft of "BOCA," which you read, keeping in mind Mr. Quattrochi's editing suggestions, along with a consensus of opinion from other industry professionals. I think Mr. Quattrochi has a keen insight into what I'm trying to accomplish with "BOCA," and I believe he would make a fine director of the film. However, I can't speak for his availability. Mr. Quattrochi's listing on imdb.com is:

In case you haven't already, please visit the BOCA PRODUCTIONS website at: http://bocaproductions.scriptmania.com

I have also contacted Mr. Mike Walsh, stunt driver, and owner of Premiere Studio Rentals, regarding the muscle cars and second-unit driving that will be required on "BOCA." Mr. Walsh is most recently famous for his work on the new movie, "Starsky & Hutch." www.moviemike.com

Below are the websites for Zachary Browne, that I mentioned above:

Here is the imdb.com listing: www.imdb.com/name/nm0115098/

Here are some younger pictures of Zac during his film career: www.teenidols4you.com/pictures.html?pg=12&g=Actors&pe=zac_browne

I might add that ALL of the actors I mentioned above, are VERY interested in participating in "BOCA," but all want the financing for the film to be in place, before they make a firm commitment.

I look forward to meeting with you soon. Please let me know when it might be convenient?

Gary L. Myers
Writer/Executive Producer

P.S. Although the movie "BOCA" will be based on the fictional South Florida town of "Boca Madre," and Boca Madre High School in 1972, the following is a site based on the REAL Boca Raton, Florida and Boca Raton High School from `66 to `71: www.bocabobcats.com

Here is the website for Boca Raton High School, Classes `72 to `77: www.geocities.com/cbreez6587/Welcome.html

View the actual BOCA beach via video monitor, in real time: http://evsboca.netfirms.com/default.htm

The facts, opinions, and assumptions in this website are purely informational, and should not be construed as a public or private offering.